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Tipo y caracterización de Discoclaoxylon pubescens, endémica de Annobón

P. Barberá
[mar 03 Dic 2013]

Lectotipificación y caracterización de Discoclaoxylon pubescens (Euphorbiaceae) from Annobon Island (Equatorial Guinea).
Lectotypification and characterization of Discoclaoxylon pubescens (Euphorbiaceae) from Annobón Island (Equatorial Guinea).

Discoclaoxylon pubescens (Pax & K. Hoffm.) Exell, endemic to Annobón Island (Equatorial Guinea), is here lectotypified from Mildbraed's original material found in the Herbarium Biozentrum Klein-Flottbek of Hamburg (HBG). A detailed morphological description of the female characters (flower and fruit), before unknown, is provided, completing the earlier recollections with fruit material. A comparison of the main characters of the other three species of the African genus, along with a key, is provided. A drawing of D. pubescens, never illustrated before, and photographs of flowers, fruit and seed, are provided.

Información adicional

  • Texto completo

    Barberá & al. (2013) Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 1-5.

ampliar imagen
Discoclaoxylon pubescens colectado en la subida al pico Quioveo, Annobón, en septiembre de 2011. MV11648 (MA)
